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Cognitive Health Support

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Clear the mental fog with Provasil. This comprehensive blend of all-natural ingredients supports optimal brain structure, mental function and cognitive performance.

  • Supports recall, focus & mental sharpness
  • Helps manage brain fog for enhanced clarity
  • Promotes long-term cognitive health
Regular price $49.99
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  • Promotes Mental Energy & Alertness

    Promotes Mental Energy & Alertness

    Provasil helps combat mental fatigue so you can remain alert throughout the day, optimizing your cognitive performance in everything you do.

  • Enhances Memory & Recall

    Enhances Memory & Recall

    By ensuring the brain receives all the nutrients it needs for optimal health, Provasil supports better recall and a sharper, more accurate memory.

  • Supports Focus & Mental Clarity

    Supports Focus & Mental Clarity

    By reducing the occurrence of distressing brain fog, you’ll enjoy clarity of thought, with enhanced focus and the ability to concentrate for extended periods.

  • All-Natural Ingredients

    All-Natural Ingredients

  • No Fillers

    No Fillers

  • No Chemicals

    No Chemicals

  • No Synthetic Additives

    No Synthetic Additives

How It Works

Containing a range of clinically backed, all-natural extracts, the Provasil formula offers complete nutritional support for cognitive health that will benefit individuals of all ages and stages of life. Whether you want to regain your sharp, alert mind and avoid potentially embarrassing ‘senior moments’ or wish to be proactive about your brain function, ensuring optimal performance now while helping protect against decline, making Provasil part of your daily health regimen is a smart choice. And, because Provasil is free from chemicals, additives, or synthetic stimulants, you can take it as long as you want without the worry of harmful side effects.


    2 Tablets

  • No Synthetic Additives

    With Water

  • 2x a Day

    2x a Day

  • Ginkgo Leaf

    Ginkgo Leaf

    Ginkgo leaf, with its high flavonoid content, supports brain health and helps prevent retinal degeneration. According to a review [1], it may have a beneficial effect on cognitive function in people experiencing a decline in this area, and it may also enhance attentiveness, focus, and mental performance.

  • Bacopa Monnieri

    Bacopa Monnieri

    Bacopa monnieri is believed to have the ability to decelerate the advancement of specific cognitive degenerative disorders. It also contains antioxidants that help in damage repair and enhance cognitive function. In a 12-week study [2], it was shown to be effective in improving learning speed while also benefiting visual information processing.

  • Biotin

    Biotin (Vitamin B7)

    The nutrient Biotin plays a vital role in preserving cognitive function and assisting with nerve signaling. Additionally, it works alongside other B vitamins to help improve concentration while regulating mood. Scientific research [3] has highlighted its neuroprotective qualities.

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The development of the brain and potential protection against cognitive decline [4] are both influenced by phosphatidylcholine. Additionally, it raises the levels of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that is crucial for memory retention, and a study [5] indicated that the use of this ingredient showed results in just ninety minutes.

Panax Ginseng Root

Panax Ginseng has been observed to support brain health, enhance mental performance, reduce fatigue [6], and have the potential to delay the onset of cognitive decline. According to a 12-week research study [7], it was found that this ingredient had benefits for individuals experiencing degenerative cognitive conditions.


The powerful antioxidants found in this plant-derived compound have been linked to various health and cognitive benefits. According to a study [8] conducted on postmenopausal women, this ingredient exhibited the potential to mitigate cognitive decline due to aging and enhance both cognitive performance and verbal memory.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a crucial nutrient that assists in maintaining healthy immune and cognitive functioning from childhood to adulthood. It possesses antioxidants that fight against oxidative stress, which may help delay mental decline associated with aging. In one article [9], the importance of vitamin C in the brain was examined.

Folic Acid

Insufficient folate levels might result in a decrease in cognitive abilities from elevated homocysteine levels in the body, which can lead to damage in the hippocampus. According to research [10] conducted on individuals aged between 50 and 70, folic acid potentially enhances memory, speed of information processing, and verbal fluency.

Vitamin B12

Adequate levels of vitamin B12 are crucial for optimal brain health and potentially lessening the risk of cognitive impairments. Insufficient amounts of this vitamin can result in elevated homocysteine levels, leading to problems with reasoning and memory loss. A research study [11] has established a correlation between the levels of vitamin B12 and cognitive function in older adults.

Choline Bitartrate

The human body and brain rely on choline as a fundamental component of cell membranes. Choline plays a crucial role in the production of acetylcholine, a vital neurotransmitter that facilitates memory retention, focus, alertness, and learning capabilities. As suggested by a study [12], a particular cognitive disorder with degenerative effects may be more likely to occur in individuals with low levels of choline.


L-tyrosine is one of the building blocks of proteins in the body and is known to enhance cognitive function, promote mental alertness, and support working memory. Furthermore, L-tyrosine may have a calming effect on anxiety and aid in maintaining emotional balance. A scientific study [13] reported its potential benefits for individuals who experience depressed moods.


This amino acid has powerful antioxidant effects that aid in shielding the brain from harmful free radicals. Additionally, it facilitates the production of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that supports working memory, recall, and the creation of long-term memories. An article [14] has emphasized its potential as a neuroprotective agent.


The regulation of synapses and receptors and the support of neurotransmitter levels are essential functions of phosphatidylserine, which is crucial in brain cell membranes. This compound has been found to have potential benefits in slowing age-related cognitive impairment, as well as in enhancing concentration, memory, and learning ability. One particular article [15] discussed how significant this ingredient is in relation to the brain.


The brain relies on this specific amino acid for optimal function, as it assists in enhancing mental alertness and memory. In addition, L-glutamine plays a crucial role in helping remove harmful ammonia from the brain, which may provide protection against cognitive decline. These neuroprotective benefits were emphasized in one particular study [16].

Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)

The structure of brain cells is supported by this omega-3 fatty acid which is found in their membranes and aids both cognitive abilities and cell communication. It is thought that inadequate levels of DHA may result in a decline in cognitive function and one article [17] investigated the effects of this substance on the development and function of the brain.

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