Nighttime Complex
Nighttime Complex
This natural hormone promotes sleep and regulates sleep-wake cycles. One comprehensive research review showed that it effectively reduces sleep latency while improving sleep quality and duration.
Lavender promotes calmness, enhances relaxation and improves sleep quality by increasing levels of the brain chemical GABA, thereby reducing stress. One study confirmed its anxiety-reducing properties.
Lemon Balm, particularly when combined with valerian root, enhances calmness and improves sleep quality.
Hops possess natural sedative effects that promote faster sleep onset, deeper relaxation and reduce restlessness. One study confirmed its sleep-enhancing properties, particularly when used in conjunction with valerian root.
Skullcap enhances sleep quality, with one study revealing its mood-elevating and anxiety-reducing effects which contribute to relaxation and quicker sleep onset.
Passionflower increases GABA levels in the brain, reducing stress and the time it takes to fall asleep. One study demonstrated anxiety reduction and improved sleep quality within just 7 days of usage.